Scientists believe that communication with animals — dogs, cats, horses, and other pets-reduces anxiety, strengthens the nervous system, and increases immunity.
Pet therapy is the participation of pets in the treatment and prevention of various diseases, from cardiovascular diseases to mental disorders. An analysis of 49 studies on pet therapy confirmed the positive emotional impact of animals on patients with autism, emotional disorders, post-traumatic syndrome (PTSD), schizophrenia, depression, and addictions. “Pet psychologists” differ from service dogs, such as guide dogs, because they almost do not need special training — it is enough to have a friendly attitude to a person and an emotional connection between the pet and the owner.
The best dog breeds for therapy
Before you choose a dog that could help you or your loved ones, it is worth a little study of this topic. Especially pay attention to some of the qualities that such a dog should have.
Here are 5 dog breeds that are ideal for psychological support:
Golden retriever
These are probably the best dogs that can help with depression and anxiety. They have a whole set of useful qualities, such as loyalty and the ability to show love. Since these dogs are very athletic and playful, they are ideal for people with mental disorders. The strong bond between the dog and its owner makes the Golden Retriever an ideal helper.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
These cute dogs are able to help their owners fight stress and depression in various ways, one of which is their love of cuddles. These dogs are loving and affectionate, and they are very easy to train. In addition, they are great for children. However, it is worth noting that they need careful care, especially in terms of health.
Poodles are incredibly cute creatures. They are very active and love to spend time with their owners. Their high level of intelligence makes them ideal animals for psychological support. They learn well, like to “communicate”, and easily adapt to different conditions. However, they need careful care, especially for fur.
These large and very friendly dogs are very fond of water. Due to some of their qualities, Newfoundland can be called the ideal psychologists who can relieve a person from feelings of anxiety. Just like spaniels, they love hugs and lisping, and they also adore nature, which pacifies them. Newfoundland is a great mix of intelligence and loyalty.
Yorkshire terrier
These dogs are very cute, so you will immediately like them. In addition to their ability to attach to the owner, Terriers are also very smart creatures. Due to its small size, the Yorkshire Terrier can be taken anywhere.
Which breeds don’t suit for the dog therapy?
Some dog breeds require special attention. According to dog handlers, who have listed the breeds of such dogs, caring for them takes a lot of time and money. This should be taken into account by those who have decided to have a pet for pet therapy.
Boxers are descended from hunting dogs, and these dogs were used as attacking and guard dogs already in the First World War. Boxers are known for their powerful jaws and strong bites and are good defenders for their owners. However, the breed has earned a reputation as an aggressive dog.
The husky is primarily a sled dog. Eskimos are athletic and energetic dogs. Throughout its history, it was more of a service dog, because husky is difficult to call a social pet, suitable for the role of a pet.
The Doberman was once used as a police dog, but today it is increasingly being bred as a pet. Dobermans can often be aggressive to strangers, but much less aggressive to their owners. The breed’s reputation has improved in recent years, but their size and strength still make them potentially dangerous.
Cute dogs with a purple tongue are not so simple and cute as it may seem at first glance. They are similar to small furry bears with a thick coat of brown, cream, gray, red, or black color, and their homeland is also China. Initially, the main function of the Chow Chow was to protect the premises, and in some cases, they were raised as a food source, so these dogs obey commands extremely poorly.
The Basset hound
These dogs have got sad eyes, long drooping ears, big nose, and clumsy paws – Basset hounds look very touching, but a little silly. The breed was intended for tracking the fowl, and its scent is just excellent, but all other qualities leave much to be desired. These dogs are extremely scattered, and require strict control during a walk — they are carried away by some interesting smell, they can forget the way home.
Final thought
Whatever breed of dog we are talking about, the selection of an animal for a particular person is a very individual process, in which it is very important that all parties fit together. Perhaps you should first consult with a local organization that trains helper dogs. In any case, it will be a long and time-consuming process – getting to know the animal, home visits, training the dog, and a waiting period. And if it is not just a companion, but a helper dog, the whole process can take up to 2 years.
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